Become a member

Here you can find the general membership critera of the NFTO Chamber. The NFTO Chamber is formed by representatives of european national family therapy organisations (NFTO). A NFTO is either a national organisation or a national federation of regional associations. The criteria for becoming a member of the Chamber are bellow.

  • Represent the community of family/systemic therapist within national territory declared and referred to in the statutes in effective way.
  • Show a clear organisational structure and the statutes: a board with elected members and appropriate positions, a record of members, regular general assemblies and board meetings, means of communication (a website, a newsletter/scientific journal, etc.)
  • Have transparent and public criteria for membership in the national organisation.
  • Provide an opportunity to discuss and vote for European policies for its members.

Each country is allowed to be represented by only one national organisation. In case that more than one organisation applies for representing a single country, following aspects are taken into account in the appraisal: a) fulfillment of criteria as NFTO, b) number of members, c) organisational structure and activities, d) history of the organisation.

For becoming a member, please download the following documents and follow the instructions. Should you require any other information please feel free to contact us.

Download Membership Application Form

Download List of documents required for NFTO Membership

Download the DATA FORM