Family Therapy in Europe
This is a summary of the survey results made in 2010 between the association’s members of EFTA. Only thirteen answered the questionnaire: Belgium (german speeking), Finland, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Holland, Sweden, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Germany.
- Most countries have only one family therapy association
- Prevalent target goals are to promote identity and training, networking family therapy and organize conferences
- Half of the associations have an ethical committee
- Only five countries have a law for psychotherapy and social welfare and insurances help for family therapy
- There is a variety of training standards among the countries: some of them have a legal and a very regulated norms, some others have no regulations
- Providers of training are mostly private institutes
- Personal therapy is required in many countries
- Legal system sets training programs only in Finland, Sweden and Austria. Associations are usually playing that role
- Most of the countries have more than 500 hours minimum training standards
- There are not continuous development criteria in most of the countries. Family therapists don’t have to validate their certificate after some years
- Almost all the countries have criteria for trainers and supervisors
Maria Borcsa and Javier Bou